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The Work

Monday Morning Quarterback Club

The Monday Morning Quarterback Club of Birmingham works hard to raise money for the Crippled Children’s Foundation (CCF), which provides direct financial support to charities providing vital medical services to children, whose needs would otherwise be unmet.

While Kinetic had the privilege of working with the MMQBC team on updates to their previous website, it was time for MMQBC and this group of football-lovin’ and tailgate-goin’ men to sport a redesigned site, and Kinetic was happy to assist.

With their core mission at heart, Kinetic wanted to ensure they had the resources to do the most fundraising possible. Members have a secure log in that allows them to keep up with their goals and see weekly fundraising stats. A separate section of the site is dedicated to CCF, offering quick access to foundation information, ways to donate, and grant guidelines and applications.

Visit the Monday Morning Quarterback Club website

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